Monday, May 08, 2006

Book Review: "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex, and Feminism"

I've just finished reading "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex, and Feminism" by Carrie L. Lukas. Ms. Lukas has marshaled much research and repackaged it into a highly readable form. Less than two hundred pages, but bursting with information, this book provides a great overview to some of the leading debates of the day.

In this book, Ms. Lukas demonstrates that:

  • there really are biologically based differences between men and women, other than the obvious anatomical ones. (No swooning, please!)
  • "women still tend to prefer men who are breadwinners, who they can consider intellectually superior, and who can physically protect them." (p. 7)
  • women have lost power in the current dating world.
  • there are biological reasons why "casual sex" is an oxymoron for women, and some regret it not only in the short run, but for years.
  • "women lost the sexual revolution". (p. 19) (Duh.)
  • the media makes teenage virginity seem much rarer than it actually is.
  • condoms don't protect from all STDs.
  • women, in particular, are at greater risk of contracting and experiencing lasting damage from STDs.
  • men are more likely to be victims of violence.
  • "married women are less likely to be victims of violence than those who are divorced, separated, or unmarried but cohabitating with men." (p. 66) (OK, I do happen to know many exceptions to this rule.)
  • while women do need to protect themselves, they should know that most men don't attack women.
  • both men and women tend to experience better mental health and happiness when married.
  • married women tend to have more and better sex than single ones.
  • cohabitation ("test driving" another person) actually increases the odds of divorce later.
  • divorce doesn't guarantee future happiness.
  • "children of divorce are more likely to suffer from pathologies and exhibit antisocial behavior" both immediately and for many years afterward. (p. 91)
  • infertility rates increase with age.
  • miscarriages and chromosomal abnormalities increase with age.
  • anti-abortion and anti-woman are not synonymous.
  • overturning Roe v. Wade would not outlaw abortion.
  • abortion is a physically painful procedure which can cause lasting damage if there are complications.
  • Europe is much more restrictive on abortion rights than the U.S.
  • for many women, careers are the least consistent source of satisfaction in life.
  • many women would prefer to be home with their children but work out of financial necessity.
  • women frequently trade off better paying jobs for more time at home.
  • most parents still think having a parent home with a child is the best way to raise him.
  • children in daycare experience more illness and discomforts.
  • women tend to be concerned about the same political issues as men and do not vote as a block.
  • today's feminists seek more dependence on government rather than real independence.
  • today's feminists are pro-choice for abortion, but hate school choice.

While some of these statements are politically incorrect (hence the title), each is well documented. Much of the research has been around for years, and those of us who seek out the data, instead of waiting for it to be fed to us, have seen it before, but the mainstream media has buried much of it. Therefore, having the research summarized and easily available in one source is extremely beneficial for those who actually want to know the real deal. Also, for those who desire more information, additional readings are suggested. Take my advice, and get this book.


At 5/08/2006 5:44 PM, Blogger Jeff the Baptist said...

"children in daycare experience more illness and discomforts."

This is only partly true. Yes kids get sick more often in daycare in the short term. In the long run they actually tend to be healthier later in life because of that exposure to illness early. It gets their immune system up to speed very quickly.

At 5/08/2006 8:51 PM, Blogger Anna Venger said...

Maybe, maybe not. Could be their little systems are forced to confront more than they're ready to. And the level of discomfort is something to consider. Regardless, if a kid is sick, someone has to take off work and care for him/her. That's a lot of stress at the very least.


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